Intensive care careers

Considering a career in Intensive Care? Frankston Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides passionate, patient-centric care and life support services for all critically ill patients within the community.

Peninsula Health has a broad education programme for junior medical and nursing staff working in the Intensive Care Unit. We facilitate a multifaceted teaching program for intensive care trainees under the College of Intensive Care Medicine for Australia & New Zealand (CICM) as well as postgraduate nursing programs partnered with Monash and Deakin University.

Junior medical education

Frankston ICU offers a multi-faceted education program that has been developed and implemented by a dedicated education team of Fellows, consultants and nurse educators.

Designed to equip junior medical staff with the knowledge and skills to provide an excellent standard of care for patients, the program help meets the learning needs of trainees to aid in career progression.

Junior Medical Staff orientation program

As part of the Junior Medical Staff (JMS) orientation program, you will:

  • Be supported throughout their ICU term by a Supervisor of Training (SOT) who helps ensure their training needs are met,
  • Receive teaching on Tuesday afternoons,
  • Learn a broad ICU curriculum utilising a combination of simulation training, problem-based learning, procedure training and echocardiography,
  • Participate in simulation training that takes an “in-situ” format using a bedspace in the ICU, and functions as a quality improvement exercise to test equipment, communication and team-working as well as improving logistical barriers to optimal patient care.

CICM Primary and Fellowship

CICM Primary and Fellowship examination preparation sessions are provided for trainees. A dedicated Primary teaching roster is delivered by enthusiastic Consultants, Fellows and Advanced Trainees, with a strong track record of success. Frankston ICU collaborates with Hot Case Central to provide Consultant-led hot case practice for internal and external candidates.


Echocardiography teaching is run by a team of Consultants with extensive echocardiography experience and an Echocardiography Fellow, utilising advanced transthoracic and transoesophageal simulators to cover a formal echocardiography teaching program that aims to assist trainees with obtaining their CICM Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FCU) requirement.

Additionally, we offer a number of in-house critical care education courses including:

  • Beyond Basic: Mechanical Ventilation
  • ALS2
  • A variety of critical care themed ultrasound courses from beginner to advanced

All courses are available to internal and external candidates

We offer Fellowship roles to those at the end of their CICM training, with opportunities in Echo (DDU), Education and Research.

Intensive care nursing education

Peninsula Health’s ICU at Frankston Hospital endeavours to support, encourage and inspire ongoing nurse education. Structured training opportunities are available for staff of all experience levels.

Our expectation is a commitment to ongoing professional development that is supported with 1:1 bedside teaching, self-directed online learning packages, bedside tutorials, annual competency assessments and specialised study days for differing levels of experience.

To facilitate these learning opportunities, we have Nurse Educators available from Monday to Friday.

Achieving Clinical Excellence (ACE) Program

he Achieving Clinical Excellence (ACE) Program includes an extensive individualised nurse orientation program catering to the General Registered Nurse (GRN) and the Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN). This program provides support to ensure a smooth transition to working in the Intensive Care Unit and enables GRNs to be trained to care for stable critical care patients.

The Achieving Clinical Excellence (ACE) Program addresses the education and training requirements of nurses at all levels of skill and experience in ICU.

Achieving Clinical Excellence Program Courses

  • Preparation for Practice: Induction and orientation
    • All staff commencing in unit
  • Foundations of ICU Practice
    • All staff new to ICU with no ICU postgraduate qualification (GRNs)
  • Transition to ICU Specialty Practice (TSP)
    • All GRNs progress to this course in preparation for post graduate studies
  • Postgraduate studies in Intensive Care (at chosen university)
  • Consolidation and Development Program (CDP)
    • For all staff post completion of their postgraduate qualification
  • Advanced Practice
    • For experienced post graduate qualified ICU Nurses. Our CCRNs are provided with ongoing rewarding educational opportunities and will be encouraged to share knowledge with other staff.  

Critical Care Trained staff are provided ongoing educational opportunities, including education for our specialist patient groups of ECCO2-R, Impella and ECMO. 

Interested in a critical care nursing career at Frankston ICU? Please contact Mr Sreyus Kesavan Sreedhar for all enquiries.
