Disability Services

The Disability Services Team provides specialised support to patients with a disability, their families and carers, and Peninsula Health staff.  

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Peninsula Health has dedicated information on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the services our health service provide. Learn more

Disability Services Team

Who we are

The Disability Services Team (DST), aligned with the Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) program, is here to support people with disabilities who use our health service. We help individuals understand and navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and overcome any barriers to accessing care. Our team is committed to ensuring that every person with a disability receives safe, personal, and connected care when they visit us. Our mission is to improve healthcare for people with disabilities by providing the right support and creating positive changes in the healthcare system. We also focus on helping our staff feel more confident and skilled when caring for people with disabilities, so they can deliver the best possible care. 

The support our service offers is based on the goals from the Victorian State Disability Action Plan 2022-2026 and the Peninsula Health Disability Action Plan 2023-2025. These goals guide us in providing care that is inclusive, accessible, and fair for all people with disabilities. 

What we do

  • Help consumers overcome barriers to access care  
  • Comprehensive Disability Needs Assessment in hospital  
  • Help consumers and staff navigate NDIS matters   
  • Support consumers with their communication needs
  • Education to staff to build their skills and confidence when working with people with disabilities 
  • Co-ordinate care with community and NDIS service providers   
  • Manage complex care planning for people with a disability 

How to access this service

To make a referral, you can contact the Disability Services Team (Monday-Friday) via email on:

CHDisabilityServices@phcn.vic.gov.au or phone 0434 819 268

In your email please include your details and a summary of your needs to access our services. 

