Pregnancy Care and GP Shared Maternity Care

Information on these pages aims to assist health professionals to manage the health of pregnant women planning to give birth at Peninsula Health.

Clinical Practice Guidelines are provided for GP Shared Maternity Care Program (SMCP) affiliates to use. They can also be helpful for GPs not affiliated with the SMCP, for example to provide information about care in the first trimester and minimum referral information required for triaging referrals.

For GPs wishing to provide pregnancy care for women booked at Peninsula Health, it is recommended they apply to be accredited with the Peninsula Health Shared Maternity Care Program. This program provides ongoing education and communication for GPs. See shared Maternity Care Program for information on how to become a shared maternity care affiliate.

Referral pathways


Clinical practice guidelines have been developed as a general guide to the management of pregnant women especially for those participating in the Peninsula Health Shared Maternity Care Program. They may not be applicable in every clinical case. They should not replace thorough clinical assessment and judgement.

Care should be taken when printing any information. Updates to guidelines will take place as necessary. It is therefore advised that regular visits to this website will be needed to access the most current information.

For the general public please note: the information shown here may not be appropriate in every situation, and should not replace discussions with health professionals involved in your care. 
