Emergency and Urgent Care

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000)

Ambulance Victoria will undertake further assessments regarding transfer to hospital, and may sometimes access other services, such as the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department, to ensure the most appropriate care for your patient.

Contacts for GPs providing a clinical handover of an unwell patient

(03) 9784 7196 Frankston Hospital Admitting Officer
(03) 9784 2365Emergency Department Fax
(03) 9784 3080Frankston Emergency Department Triage Clerk
(03) 5986 0666Rosebud Hospital
0435 129 146 Rosebud Hospital Emergency Department Consultant
1300 792 977Mental Health Triage

Please note: If your patient requires immediate attention (severely abnormal pathology or radiology results needing immediate attention, cardiac emergencies) please call the ED consultant for direct medical to medical handover, to help ensure urgent assessment.

Please do not fax referrals to the Emergency Department without first speaking to the ED Consultant in charge. Faxed referrals may not be immediately attended to.


There are limited Emergency Paediatric Surgical Services at Peninsula Health

GPs are reminded that emergency Paediatric General and Urological surgery is not usually performed at Frankston Hospital.
