Cultural Immersion Tours – Enriching Staff Understanding of Aboriginal Heritage

Throughout July and August, our health service hosted several Cultural Immersion Tours. 

These tours offered a unique and authentic insight into Aboriginal culture, history, and practices, enabling staff to experience the rich heritage and traditions of the local Aboriginal community on the Mornington Peninsula. 

Each session provided opportunities to learn, reflect, and engage in meaningful conversations, enhancing our staff’s ability to deliver culturally sensitive care to our patients. 

Participants were encouraged to take part in various activities, including learning about traditional Aboriginal dance, material culture, traditional huts, and exploring the Koorie Bush Tucker Trail. 

The response to these tours has been incredibly positive, with staff reporting that they gained valuable insights. 

“I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Immersion Tour. It was a great experience that I have shared with my colleagues. A wonderful way to learn more about this important culture,” says PH Early Education Advisor. 

See below for a glimpse of what staff experienced during their tours. 
