Mornington Community Health Transforms into a Carnival for Acquired Brain Injury Support Group

With an array of exciting activities, delicious food, and prizes to be won, Mornington Community Health was recently transformed into the unofficial ‘Royal Melbourne Show’ for members of the Acquired Brain Injury Social Support Group.

The room was decorated from top to bottom with carnival memorabilia, interactive games, and even a faux petting zoo, creating an authentic fair atmosphere that provided a fun environment for everyone involved.

The acquired brain injury group meets weekly to socialise and connect in a supported setting, helping participants maintain skills that enable them to remain independent in the community.

“Engaging group participants in simulating activities week after week helps improve their memory,” says Kay Wrangles, Social Support Team Leader.

“The decision to recreate the environment of the Melbourne Show is based on the idea that memorabilia can help participants access their memories, allowing them to reminisce about their childhood through various stimuli.”

Over the past few months, every member of the group has actively contributed to the creation of decorations and activities, enhancing the interactive space in meaningful ways.

“The participants all collaborate to prepare for a themed day, engaging in activities like colouring bottles, crafting fake ice cream cones, and one person even painted a clown,” explains Kay.

The themed event is part of Mornington Community Health’s Cafe 62, providing consumers with the opportunity to socialise, meet new people, and enjoy nutritious food. Additionally, there are specific days for isolated individuals and those living with dementia to connect.

If you know someone who might be interested in joining the Social Support Group, they can apply through the My Aged Care portal, or a referral can be made for those under 65 through our NDIS ACCESS team.
