Neurology Clinic

The Neurology Clinic aims to assess and/or manage patients with serious neurological conditions.


Referral addressed to named head of clinic is preferred. 

The GP Referral Template located within the Mastercare Referralnet system is the preferred referral tool.  For faxed referrals: FAX 9125 9846

Categories for appointment

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Clinical DescriptionEstimated Wait Time
Category 1Urgent symptoms must be discussed with the Neurology Registrar by calling switchboard on 9784 7777Within 30 days
Category 2All other conditions Up to 3 months/ Next Available
EmergencyRapidly progressive neurological symptoms

See statewide referral criteria for details on emergency

Seizure with:
– focal deficit post-ictally 
– seizure associated with recent trauma
– persistent severe headache > 1 hour post-ictally
– Seizure with fever
– Prolonged or recurrent seizure (more than one in 24 hours) with incomplete recovery
– Seizure with persisting altered level of consciousness.

Headache with:
– Sudden onset or thunderclap headache
– Severe headache with signs of systemic illness (fever, neck stiffness, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness, dehydration)
– Severe disabling headache
– Severe headache associated with recent head trauma
– Headache suggesting temporal artheritis: (focal neurological symptoms, altered vision, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C -reactive protein in patients > 50 years of age).  

Rapidly progressive neurological symptoms leading to weakness or imbalance.  

Movement Disorder
– Acute onset of a movement disorder e.g. severe ataxia, dystonia, hemiballismus
– Acute dystonic crisis
– Acute akinetic crisis
– Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
– Device-related infection in people with deep brain simulator implants.  

Transient ischaemic attack(s) In last 48 hours
– Multiple or recurrent transient ischaemic attack episodes in the last seven days
– Amaurosis fugax in last 48 hours
– Persistent neurological deficit.  

– Sudden onset debilitating vertigo where the patient is unsteady on their feet or unable to walk without assistance
– Sudden onset vertigo with other neurological signs or symptoms (e.g. dysphasia, hemiparesis, diplopia, facial weakness)
– Barotrauma with sudden onset of vertigo
To emergency department

Eligibility criteria

Peninsula Health Catchment preferred

Adults with serious neurological disorders such as:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Movement Disorders
  • Peripheral Neuropathy o Frequent blackouts
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Undiagnosed neurological disorders
  • Planning for pregnancy or pregnancy with epilepsy.

Exclusion criteria

  • Stroke
  • Children under 16 years
  • Patients requiring immediate neurological attention

Alternative referral options

  • Monash Health Neurology Department
  • Private services

Make a referral

All referrals to this clinic must contain the following information.

Referral: Date of referral, Speciality, Referring practitioner, Provider Number, Referrer’s signature.

Patient Demographic: Full name, Date of birth, Postal address, Contact numbers, Medicare Number, Interpreter required.

Clinical: Reason for referral, Duration of symptoms, Management to date, Past medical history, Current medications, Allergies, Diagnostics as per referral guidelines X-ray results/reports must be within the last 6 months.

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