Referral Guidelines to Specialist Services and Clinics

General Practitioners (GP) and other health professionals can make referrals to Peninsula Health services using the referral information available. Referrals must be made following referral guidelines.

Referral Process

Encrypted E-Referral via ReferralNet is preferred for Outpatient referrals. 

Please Note: Outpatient referrals are still accepted by FAX at this stage. See the right-hand blue tool bars for the Outpatient FAX number as well as for phone numbers for enquiries.

E-Referral and ReferralNet Set Up

To organise the set up of encrypted e-referral via ReferralNet to Outpatients, please email the Digital Application Team on  including your GP Clinic name and phone number.

Please DO NOT send referrals by email directly to the Digital Application Team.

Exceptions to central Outpatient Fax and E-referrals: There are exceptions to central Outpatient intake for e-referrals and fax for some services including ACCESS (Community Health). Please see individual clinic referral guidelines for details.

Private consultants who also work with Peninsula Health can be found here Specialists Directory/Heads of Units

Specialist Services & Clinics Referral Information

For referral guidelines to Peninsula Health specialist services and clinics, search the table below.

New Outpatient Referral FAX

Fax: (03) 9125 9846

Diversion from the previous Outpatient fax number is in place for a limited time. Referral guidelines with the previous fax number (9788 1879) are in the process of being updated.


Appointments and General Enquiries

(03) 9784 2600

Patient enquiries via Outpatients
Please let your patients know to call Outpatients Department if they have not been contacted about their appointment after two weeks.

(03) 9784 2600 or
ACCESS on 1300 665 781

Clinical or Urgent Outpatient Referral Enquiries
(8:30 am to 5:00 pm Mon to Fri)

(03) 9784 7155

Statewide Referral Criteria

The Department of Health and Human Services is developing statewide referral criteria to assist GPs and clinicians referring patients to specialist clinics in public hospitals and to improve access to these clinics by improving the quality and appropriateness of referrals.
