Heart Failure Clinic

This clinic sees eligible symptomatic patients with heart failure.


Referral addressed to named head of clinic is preferred. 

The GP Referral Template located within the Mastercare Referralnet system is the preferred referral tool.  For faxed referrals: FAX 9125 9846

Categories for appointment

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Clinical Description
Estimated Wait Time
Category 1Condition will have significant impact on quality of life if care is delayed beyond thirty (30) days E.g. Decompensated Heart Failure.Appointment within thirty (30) days is desirable
Category 2Condition has the potential to have some impact on quality of life if care is delayed beyond ninety (90) daysAppointment within ninety (90) days is desirable
Category 3Condition is unlikely to deteriorate quickly Condition is unlikely to require more complex care if assessment is delayed beyond 365 daysAppointment within 365 days desirable
EmergencyNew acute, or chronic heart failure that is rapidly deteriorating with any of the following:
– Ongoing chest pain
– Acute pulmonary oedema o Oxygen saturation < 94% (in the absence of any other reasons)
– Haemodynamic instability
– Syncope or pre-syncope
– Recent myocardial infarction (within 2 weeks)
– Pregnant or post-partum woman

New heart failure that has not responded to initial and escalated treatment with diuretic therapy.    
To emergency department

Eligibility criteria

  • Known heart failure with symptoms unresponsive to medical management (e.g. symptoms at rest, or on minimal exertion)
  • New onset heart failure with reduced ejection fraction < 50% (HF-rEF) and structural or valvular heart disease
  • New onset heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-pEF) that have failed maximum tolerated diuretic treatment.
  • Those with ejections fractions above and below 40% may be seen at different cardiology clinics.

Exclusion criteria

  • Patients with asymptomatic heart failure with a stable ejection fraction > 55% (HF-pEF)
  • Undifferentiated shortness of breath without the results of an echocardiogram
  • Patients who are already under the care of a cardiologist

Alternative referral options

Other cardiology practices within your local area.

Make a referral

All referrals to this clinic must contain the following information.

  • Details of all relevant signs and symptoms
  • 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings from the last 12 months
  • Echocardiogram report
  • Any medicines previously tried, duration of trial and effect
  • Current and complete medication history (including non-prescription medicines, herbs and supplements)
  • Past medical history and comorbidities
  • Liver function tests
  • Urea and electrolyte results
  • Full blood examination
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level
  • Fasting lipid profile results

Provide if available

  • New York Heart Association Functional Classification (NYHA) class status
  • Chest x-ray
  • Sleep studies
  • Stress test
  • Respiratory function tests (if the patient is a smoker or has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma)
  • Previous 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings
  • Iron studies
  • If the person identifies as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Please note, referral cannot be processed if minimum information is missing

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