Atrial Fibrillation Clinic

Peninsula Health’s Artrial Fibrillation Clinic specialises in diagnosing and treating atrial fibrillation (AFib), a heart condition that causes an irregular heartbeat.

To see patients with a valid clinical question about the management of their Atrial Fibrillation (AF). e.g. “This patient presents with symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation despite rate control – please assess.” Patients are not seen for routine review.


Referral addressed to named head of clinic is preferred. 

The GP Referral Template located within the Mastercare Referralnet system is the preferred referral tool.  For faxed referrals: FAX 9125 9846

Categories for Appointment

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Clinical DescriptionEstimated Wait Time
Category 1 Urgent– Condition will require more complex or emergent care if assessment is delayed
– Condition will have significant impact on quality of life if care is delayed beyond thirty (30) days E.g. Decompensated Heart Failure.
Appointment within thirty (30) days is desirable
Category 2 Semi-urgent– Condition has potential to require more complex care if assessment is delayed
– Condition has the potential to have some impact on quality of life if care is delayed beyond ninety (90) days E.g. Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation.
Appointment within ninety (90) days is desirable
Category 3 Routine– Condition is unlikely to deteriorate quickly
– Condition is unlikely to require more complex care if assessment is delayed beyond 365 days E.g. Hypertension
Appointment within 365 days desirable
EmergencyRecent onset atrial fibrillation with any of the following:
– haemodynamic instability
– shortness of breath
– chest pain
– heart failure
– current syncope or pre-syncope
sustained heart rate > 150 beats per minute
– known Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
To emergency department

Eligibility criteria

  • Adults
  • Recurrent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
  • Atrial fibrillation where anticoagulation is contraindicated
  • Atrial fibrillation with reduced left ventricular function or moderate valvular disease
  • Atrial fibrillation that is unresponsive to medical management and that requires further advice on, or review of, the current management plan

Exclusion criteria

Please note, we do not accept referrals for

  • Children.
  • Isolated event of atrial fibrillation that has resolved (e.g. post-infection)
  • Patients with atrial fibrillation who are stable (that is heart rate is stable and the patient is on anticoagulation) and not for further active management
  • Patients already seeing another cardiology service or cardiologist

Alternative Referral Options

Make a referral

All referrals to this clinic must contain the following information.

  • Details of all relevant signs and symptoms
  • Current and previous 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings, particularly those demonstrating the arrhythmia
  • Details of previous medical management including the course of treatment and outcome of treatment
  • Current and complete medication history (including non-prescription medicines, herbs and supplements)
  • Past medical history and comorbidities
  • Liver function tests
  • Urea and electrolyte results
  • Full blood examination results
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level
  • Please refer for Echocardiogram and Holter Monitor tests, if not done in last twelve months.
