Equity and Inclusion

At Peninsula Health we believe that diverse voices allow for a multitude of opinions, ideas and approaches — ultimately making us a stronger, more inclusive service, delivering the best care for our community. We strive to provide an environment in which all of our people feel safe, respected and inspired to thrive.

We understand that in order to achieve this vision, we must critically assess our performance in areas such as gender equality. We must evaluate our strengths, identify the obstacles and enact plans to make us more inclusive. In this way, we welcome the obligations placed on organisations under the Gender Equality Act 2020.

Peninsula Health was the first organisation in Australia to receive Rainbow Tick accreditation demonstrating our commitment to inclusivity and we will continue to improve our gender equality alongside meeting the diverse and individual needs of people with a disability, enabling access for those with multicultural and deaf diversity, ensuring inclusion of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and being genuine allies to our LGBTIQA+ friends.

Gender Equity Action Plan 2022 – 2025

The Gender Equality Action Plan 2022 – 2025 (GEAP) is our inaugural strategy, aiming to create the platform for increased organisational awareness, agency and understanding of issues related to gender. Additionally, through our Equity Impact Assessments we will continue to review our policies, programs and services that have a direct and significant impact on our community, to ensure we consider and promote gender equality and take necessary and proportionate action towards achieving gender equality.

You can read more about our GEAP and the progress we are making by accessing the Insights Portal on the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector website.

We have also included the Peninsula Health biannual progress report below. This is also published by the Gender Equality Commission and covers the progress our organisation has made over the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023.

We look forward to continuing our commitment to ensuring that Peninsula Health is a workplace where everyone can feel included and thrive.  
