Some of these tests, particularly the early pregnancy tests will be offered by the GP prior to booking. They will also need to organise the 20-week ultrasound scan.
The rest of the tests can be organised for you by your pregnancy carer e.g. hospital midwives or doctors, shared care GP, private obstetrician, or private midwife.
Early pregnancy
- Blood test to confirm the status of Rubella, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, blood group and antibodies, haemoglobin, ferritin (iron), +/- Vitamin D, TFTs, and contagious illness
- Midstream urine test to check for signs of infection
- Dating ultrasound scan, usually done between 7-11 weeks
- Combined First Trimester Screening – involves two steps, blood test (9-13+6weeks) and nuchal fold ultrasound (11-13+6 weeks)
- +/- non invasive pregnancy testing (eg Precept, Harmony). 11-13 week ultrasound recommended with this test also
- Early glucose tolerance test if high risk for gestational diabetes
- Second Trimester Maternal Serum Screening – a blood test taken between 14-20+6 weeks.
20 weeks
- Morphology scan to check the baby, this means we look at your baby from top to toe and ensure everything is in the right place and working how it should be
26 – 28 weeks
- Glucose tolerance test to check for gestation diabetes
- Iron levels
32 weeks
- If your placenta was near the cervix at a previous scan, you will have a scan to check it is no longer low lying
- Some people with previous low iron may have this retested now
36 weeks
- Some people with previous low iron may have this retested now
- GBS swab offered and discussed at this appointment, may be advised to do test today if anticipated early birth (GBS is group B streptococcus – a common bacteria that lives on 20-30% of the population with minimal affect, but may affect a small amount of newborn babies)
38 weeks
- GBS swab returned if consent given for testing