Peninsula Health provides services and programs to expecting mothers.
Childbirth Education
We are currently offering two different types of online (virtual) classes, at no cost to families.
- Saturday: 9:30am – 3:00pm
- Evening series of three classes (Mon or Wed 6:30-8:30pm)
We require you to book these in, they will be offered during your booking in appointment, or you arrange them with the reception staff.
Saturday classes run from approximately 9:30am – 3:00pm, and include information on labour, birth and breastfeeding.
Evening classes run on a Monday or Wednesday evening, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm on three consecutive weeks. These classes cover the remainder of the antenatal period, tests offered, how labour starts, labour, coping mechanisms, pain relief, birth, breastfeeding, early parenting and healthy relationships.
Tests and investigations
If you require any blood tests or ultrasounds for your ongoing pregnancy care (after 20 weeks of pregnancy), we are able to organise these for you, and will also provide you with the results as soon as they become available. If you are seen by midwives for your care and you need a doctor to review and/or discuss any of your results, we can organise that for you here in our obstetric or GP clinics.
Early Pregnancy and Postnatal Assessment Service (EPPAS)
The Early Pregnancy and Postnatal Assessment Service (EPPAS) provides triage, assessment and management for women experiencing vaginal bleeding and/or pain in early pregnancy, before 20 weeks.
EPPAS runs on Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm. It is essential that you book an appointment before attending.
To speak to an EPPAS nurse/midwife for advice or to make appointments call (03) 9784 2632, or 0417 340 535.
If you have heavy bleeding or urgent concerns, please attend the Emergency Department or dial 000.
Breastfeeding Support Service
IBCLE registered Lactation Consultants provide individual expert help to both antenatal and postnatal women.
Priority is given to women who have given birth at Frankston Hospital or who live within the service boundaries of Peninsula Health. We see babies from birth to four weeks of age.
The service operates three days per week, Tuesday and Thursday at the Frankston Hospital Outpatients area (where you had your pregnancy booking in/appointments) and Friday at the Community Health centre in Hastings.
You can be seen during the half-day of group drop-in if you have minor concerns or queries, or book a 1:1 appointment if you have more intense breastfeeding difficulties. Please ask the midwives for more information about the drop-in.
Bookings for all breastfeeding clinics either at Frankston Hospital or Hastings Community Health can be made on (03) 9784 2600.
Allied Health
In addition to our care models mentioned above, we also have several allied health groups we work closely with to provide the best care and outcomes for our families. These include Social Work, Physiotherapy, and Dieticians, all of whom specialise in the area of pregnancy and the post-natal period. We refer women to these groups on an individual basis, as all families and women will have different needs throughout their pregnancy. These referrals can be made at the first booking in appointment, at any time during pregnancy, and while we are still caring for you after your baby has been born. If you feel you need to see any of these specialists but have not been referred, please bring it up at your next appointment.
Women’s Health Clinic
This clinic is staffed by a female general practitioner and experienced family planning midwives/nurses. Services provided include contraceptive advice, preventative health screening including pap smears, breast examination and menopausal health issues. This clinic runs on Monday mornings.