The Access, Assessment, Brief Intervention and Consultation Team (ABC) provides triage and screening functions for individuals aged 0-17 years during Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4pm.
Contact the ABC team via the Mental Health and Wellbeing Telephone Triage on 1300 792 977.
After Hours
(Between 4pm – 8.30am week days and all day on weekends)
The Mental Health Telephone Triage (MHTT) provides triage and screening functions for children and young people aged 0-17 years. Contact the ABC team via the Mental Health and Wellbeing Telephone Triage on 1300 792 977.
Services provided
Utilising Peninsula Health Mental Health Service should be considered when a young person’s mental health difficulties and concerns:
- Have been persistent
- Are impacting many aspects of the young person’s life (ie. Work, education, relationships)
- Are affecting their safety and/or the safety of others
- Have not responded to treatment and support provided by another professional or service
After spending time understanding the unique needs of the young person and their family or carers and with appropriate consent our clinicians may:
- provide you with support and advice which may be acted on independently
- initiate a referral to an external agency on your behalf
- initiate a referral to a Peninsula Mental Health and Wellbeing Service which may include an appointment with an ABC clinician or direct referral into the Integrated Youth Assertive Team IYAT
- arrange to provide you with a face-to-face assessment either same day or following day
- encourage you to attend hospital or call emergency services in acute crisis situations
While we always work to provide a timely response, it is important to know that this is not an emergency service. If MHTT are busy you may be asked to leave a message and a clinician will promptly return your call. If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.
Who we care for
Anyone can call 1300 792 977 to seek advice and support.
The ABC team takes referrals for children and young people aged 0-17 years old, their families, carers and supporters. We also work in partnership with other health services you may use. You may be referred to us if:
- your mental health and/or Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) difficulties have been persistent
- your mental health is affecting your safety and/or the safety of others
- your mental health is impacting many aspects of your life (i.e. work, education, relationships)
- your mental health has now not improved following treatment and support provided by other professionals or services after a mental health crisis
You can initiate contact for yourself or on behalf of a family member, carer or friend. The Peninsula Health and Wellbeing Service also receives referrals and requests for service from other professionals involved in your care such as general practitioners and community health services.
Need help now?
If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on Triple Zero (000).
If you need urgent help for your mental health or would like to access specialist mental health support through Peninsula Health please contact Mental Health Telephone Triage on 1300 792 977, 24 hours, 7 days per week.
If you need immediate mental health support and are unable to utilise a telephone service please attend the Frankston or Rosebud Emergency Department in person 24 hours, 7 days per week.