Insights from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System revealed major
change was needed in order to develop a future mental health and wellbeing system that
provides holistic treatment, care and support for all Victorians.
As such, Peninsula Health is transforming its mental health service to align with the vision set out by the Royal Commission.
New Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
Victoria’s new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act commenced 1 September 2023. The new Act replaces the Mental Health Act 2014. Peninsula Health has begun implementing changes made to the Act in a phased approach as guided by the Department of Health. Learn more about the new Act.
There are some exciting projects underway to help us transform our Mental Health Service. You can stay up to date here.
Changes to Infant, Child and Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing Services throughout 2023-24
Peninsula Health is expanding its community Mental Health and Wellbeing Services to include children and young people aged 0-25 years and their families, carers and supporters who live in Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.
Child and adolescent mental health services are currently provided by Monash Health in this region.
Peninsula Health is working in partnership with Monash Health to gradually transition some of these services so that they will be provided by Peninsula Health. During 2023-24, Peninsula Health will establish an Infant, Child and Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing Service.
Two streams will be developed to provide care for children (0-11) and young people (12-25) years. This will represent an expansion of current services being delivered by Peninsula Health, including the community mental health team and Youth Prevention and Recovery Centre.
There are no changes planned for those consumers requiring inpatient treatment. This will continue to be provided by Monash Health.
A printable brochure with information for consumers, families, carers and supporters is available to download.
Why are these changes taking place?
These changes form part of the transformation work taking place at Peninsula Health, as part of responding to the recommendations in the 2021 Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health Services. For more information, please read the Peninsula Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan.