Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness Program (FaPMI)

The Families where a Parent has Mental Illness (FaPMI) program aims to improve services and resources to support parents and carers, children, young people and families. The program helps ensure children are not invisible in care provision and the important role of parenting is supported and strengthened.  

Peninsula Health works with staff from across our health network and other organisations to ensure services work with all families and children in mind.

This is done by by:

  • Building shared understanding through fact sheets, books and resources
  • Partnering with services to co-ordinate and deliver peer support programs for children, young people and parents/carers
  • Working with services to improve systems to better meet the needs of families
  • Providing training, support and resources including secondary consultation for services who work with families where a parent has a mental illness

Supporting families assists not only the children but also a parent’s recovery. FaPMI’s vision is of healthy family relationships.  Relationships are the foundation of child development and support stable mental health. The FaPMI program recognises the strengths and resilience of all family members and works together with families and services to promote this.

Who we support 

Our FaPMI Program co-ordinates a range of group programs for families, and partners with agencies to support families across all ages, including pregnancy, early years, primary and secondary school, adults and grandparents. 

The program aims to support parents, carers, children and families to build a better understanding of mental health conditions through information, books and other resources.

Our FaPMI works with services to improve service delivery to better meet the needs of families and children. We also provide education, support, resources and secondary consultation to services working with families where a parent has a mental illness.  

How to access FaPMI 

Current clients of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Service can ask your treating team to contact FaPMI on your behalf.

If you are not a current client you can contact via email fapmi@phcn.vic.gov.au for more information on resources and referrals to our group programs.

Please note: The FaPMI program does not provide ongoing direct support or ‘case management’ for families. 
