Intensive Recovery Service

The service operates between the hours of 8:30am – 5:00pm, 7 days a week. We are based out of the Tarnbuk Centre in Frankston but work flexibly with you in the community.

Our Intensive Recovery Team (IRT) provides care for people with severe and enduring mental illness who may require more intensive intervention to live well. Most people that receive support from our Intensive Recovery Team have worked with other mental health teams and have found that more intensive support is required in which to achieve their personalised recovery goals.

Your care is coordinated by a central clinician, and at different times we refer to the expertise of our multidisciplinary team to help support personalised and meaningful recovery goals. Some of the team include:

  • a psychiatrist
  • a psychiatry registrar
  • psychologists
  • mental health nurses
  • social workers
  • occupational therapists
  • peer workers available by referral

Who we care for

People aged 18 – 64 years old who reside in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Area. We accept referrals for people:

  • who are current clients of the Adult Community Mental Health Service
  • with one or more admissions to our inpatient services or people who are accessing crisis services frequently
  • who would benefit from more assertive outreach intervention to stay well
  • who could achieve more of their self-identified recovery and rehabilitation goals with more assertive treatment and support
  • with concerns about safety which could be reduced or mitigated through increased frequency and assertive contact and interventions in the community.

Referrals to this service

Referrals are made by other teams within the Peninsula Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Service when the need for increased community support is identified.

You can not refer directly via the Mental Health Telephone Triage.
