Peninsula Health is committed to preventing healthcare associated infections in patients, staff and visitors.
Whilst every effort is made to prevent these infections we must remember that not all procedures are ‘risk free’. Some invasive procedures, for example surgery, come with a risk of infection, albeit small, because they breach our bodies’ normal defences. However, we make every effort to keep these risks to a minimum through stringent quality control measures. Your doctor will explain these risks to you.
Some infections are brought into hospitals by visitors. As such, we seek your assistance in discouraging visits by those who may be unwell, particularly if they have rashes of unknown cause, respiratory tract infections (including colds and flu), diarrhoea and/or vomiting, or a temperature.
Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene (i.e. hand disinfection or washing) is one of the simplest measures to help prevent transmission of infection. We are all taught as children to wash our hands after visiting the toilet and before the handling and preparation of food. This is to prevent the ingestion of germs that may be on our hands.
Sometimes the germs that we carry on our skin or pick up from the environment, while not causing us harm, can cause harm to people in hospital, as these people may be more susceptible to infection.
In many areas of the health service (e.g. Intensive Care and the Special Care Nursery) visitors are encouraged to wash their hands before visiting patients to help prevent transmission of infection. Visitors are also requested to wash their hands after visiting patients in the hospital.
Healthcare workers wash or disinfect their hands regularly during their working day. They should wash or disinfect their hands before and after any significant contact between patients, for example, checking wounds or manipulating intravenous devices. Do not hesitate to remind them if necessary.
Useful links
- VICNISS Hospital Acquired Infection Surveillance Coordinating Centre Website
- Immunise Australia Program
- Hand Hygiene Australia
- Victorian Department of Health – Infectious Diseases Epidemiology & Surveillance
- Australasian College of Infection Prevention and Control
Contact Details
Infection Prevention and Control Unit
Frankston Hospital
Tel: (03) 9784 8237