Counselling service

Our team of counsellors (social workers and psychologists) will assist you to make positive changes in your life. We work with you to identify goals and find ways to tackle problems using the skills and resources you already have.

The counsellor does not judge, give advice, nor direct you to take a certain course of action, but will help you to find a better way to deal with your situation and to make your own decisions.

Group programs can vary but regularly include:

  • Anxiety Management Program
  • ‘Out of Bounds’ for parents dealing with adolescent violence in the home.
  • ‘More to Life’ for those living with chronic health conditions

Who can use the service?

This service is open to residents of all ages from Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula catchment who might not access private counselling services.

Where is the service available?

Counselling services are available across our four community health sites, Frankston, Rosebud, Mornington and Hastings.

How to access this service

Call 1300 665 781 between 8:30am-5:00pm (Monday-Friday) and an Access Worker will give you further details on the service.
