Community Podiatry

Podiatry is the diagnosis and treatment of foot problems. Community health podiatrists treat children and adult clients giving priority to those with diabetes, arthritis, skin or nail disease.

What your podiatrist can do:

  • nail surgery
  • diabetes foot assessment and education
  • treat bunions and corns, skin and nail disease
  • assesses the way you walk and recommend footwear or a shoe insert to correct problems
  • work with you to help you manage your condition in the long term

Who can use the service?

Any person of any age can access services. You can enquire yourself or be referred by your doctor, health worker or other service. Priority is given to those with special needs, low income or chronic health conditions.

Where is the service available?

The service is available at our four Community Health sites at Frankston, Rosebud, Mornington, and Hastings.

How to access this service

Phone 1300 665 781 between 8:30am-5:00pm (Monday-Friday) and an Access Worker will give you further details on the service.

If you are over the age of 65 or an aboriginal over the age of 50 years  contact the My Aged Care call centre on 1800 200 422 or access the website
