Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP)

The HARP Program helps people who have a number of health problems that may result in lots of visits to doctors, the Emergency Department or admissions to hospital.

A health professional, such as a social worker, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, or nurse will help you to:

  • manage better at home and stay out of hospital
  • understand your health issues better
  • find ways to improve your health
  • link with other services

Who can use this service?

If you have a number of health problems which have led to hospital admissions or visits to the Emergency Department in the past 12 months, you may use this service.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge.

Where is the service available?

We visit you in your home or at Frankston, Hastings or Rosebud Community Health.

How to access this service

Contact Community Care Enquiry 9788 1700 to see if you can use the HARP program.
Fax referrals can be made to (03) 9788 1206
