Homelessness and Health Outreach Service

(Formerly Mobile Integrated (M.I.) Health Team)

The Homelessness and Health Outreach Service assists people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and on low incomes to find suitable and affordable housing.

People are supported to stay housed when facing health or other challenges affecting housing or assisted in applying for Public Housing. Utilising a comprehensive case management approach, Homelessness and Health Outreach works with people to address health, mental health and social concerns requiring individual assistance.

Through the Care Finder Program, Homelessness and Health Outreach provides comprehensive support to people who are over 50 years, homeless or at risk. Homelessness and Health Outreach also provides care coordination to people residing in Supported Residential Services (SRSs) through the Supporting Connections Program.

The service is available at Peninsula Health sites or in the community. Our team includes experienced nurses, social workers, and community development workers. There is no fee for this service.

This service supports people who are:

  • Living in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Local Government Areas who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  • Low income or experiencing financial hardship.

How to access this service

Call ACCESS on 1300 665 781, between 8.30am – 5.00pm (Monday – Friday)
