Oncology Inpatient Care

Peninsula Health provides 24/7 in-hospital care for oncology patients at all stages of their cancer journey.

Working in a multi-disciplinary fashion, our oncology team liaise with services both in the hospital and the community. They deliver inpatient systemic anti-cancer therapies, working together with the Chemotherapy Day Unit when appropriate and provide inpatient radiotherapy in partnership with Frankston Private Hospital.

The oncology consultant and registrar on-call review all the oncology patients and referrals. They are also available for new admissions or urgent referrals made by the Emergency Department, other specialists or GPs.

Inpatient wards

Peninsula Health’s oncology ward is 5FS at Frankston Hospital. It is a mixed ward that also provides haematology services and acute care of the elderly. The ward has a total number of 28 beds, with ten available for oncology patients.
