The Cognitive, Dementia and Memory service (CDAMS) is a specialist diagnostic service for people with suspected dementia, mild cognitive impairment and associated symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, and/or thinking problems.
CDAMS provides a comprehensive service which includes assessment and diagnosis, education, support and information around diagnosis, linking clients and their significant other to other services and supports, and information about treatment.
CDAMS is a short-term service that does not provide case management or Allied Health therapeutic treatment.
What is involved in a CDAMS assessment?
Following a referral from your GP or medical specialist:
- Triage: Initial phone call with the client to make sure that CDAMS is the right service for the person
- Comprehensive assessment: with the person and their family/ carer, by a cognition clinician, usually undertaken by phone
- Appointment with a Geriatrician or Psycho Geriatrician at the CDAMS clinic
- Further assessments as required. These may include:
- Brain imaging
- Cognitive testing
- Medical assessment
- Allied health assessment
- Feedback meeting with our Geriatrician and cognition clinician where:
- Assessment results are discussed
- Plans are made for treatment and support
- Referrals to supports and services as required.
Our Team
The CDAMS model includes an interdisciplinary team:
- Geriatricians and Psycho Geriatricians
- Cognition clinicians from a range of clinical backgrounds including Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Neuropsychology, and Nursing.
When to see CDAMS
Some mild slowing in memory and thinking is normal with ageing. Assessment is needed if the changes become worse or start to impact everyday life.
Symptoms of memory loss and changes in thinking can include:
- Repeating questions or conversations
- Losing items often
- Forgetting appointments or other important dates
- Changes in driving ability
- Regular problems finding words in conversations
- Behaviour or personality changes
- Forgetting to take medication as prescribed
- Safety issues such as leaving the stove on, doors unlocked, or getting lost or disoriented.
There are many reasons why you may experience memory or thinking changes, including:
- Other medical conditions
- Anxiety, stress or depression
- Dementia
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Medications
There is no cost to this service.
The Mornington Centre
Cnr Tyalla Grove & Separation Street
Mornington Vic 3931
Phone: (03) 5976 9012
Fax: (03) 9125 5822
A GP or medical specialist referral is required for a CDAMS assessment. The GP or specialist can make a referral to CDAMS by contacting our ACCESS team:
Phone: 1300 665 781
Fax: (03) 9125 5862