Clinical Services at Carinya

Aged care residents at Carinya have access to clinical services to assist with the management of their condition, symptoms and treatment.

Clinical Services 

Nursing Staff 

Nursing care is provided by Registered Nurses, and Enrolled Nurses. There is a registered Nurse on Duty 24 hours per day, as well as a Nurse Unit Manager Monday – Friday 0800-1630Carinya has a range of specialist clinical nurse consultants employed by Peninsula Health who provide specialist nursing input, including:

  • Diabetes Consultant
  • Skin Integrity Consultant
  • Cognition Consultant
  • Infection Control Consultant
  • Falls Prevention Consultant
  • Palliative Care Consultant

Medical staff

Clinical governance is provided by a Consultant Psychiatrist specialising in Aged Mental Health who attends Carinya on a weekly basis.A General Practitioner (GP) who works closely with the consultant Psychiatrist visits Carinya twice per week, to review residents on a regular basis. Residents are however able to choose their own General Practitioner and need to ensure that the doctor will visit this Facility.

Allied Health staff

Carinya employs an external Physiotherapist to provide initial physiotherapy assessment to all residents on admission and then for ongoing review of residents.Occupational Therapist, Dietitian, Podiatrist, Speech Pathology and Social Work is available on referral. Diversional Therapist and allied health provide a structured and comprehensive activities program tailored to the needs of individual residents, as well as weekly bus trips for residents.

Carer and Consumer Consultants

Peninsula Health Mental Health Service employs a full-time Consumer Consultant as well as a Carer Consultant, who both provide support to residents and carers as required.
