Keeping Active, Involved & Informed Directory – helping locals find nearby options

Keeping active is important at all ages but only 4 out of 10 Australians over the age of 65 get the recommended amount of physical activity. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve physical, mental and emotional health.

Peninsula Health, Frankston City Council, & Mornington Peninsula Shire have teamed up to ensure that our local older people know what groups and activities are available in the region.

The updated Keeping Active, Involved & Informed Directory is now available providing important information for older people living in the Frankston & Mornington Peninsula regions.

With over 200 groups including Men’s Sheds, Physical Activity Groups, Seniors Clubs, Community Gardens and more, there is bound to be something of interest for everyone.  

Groups are available for those still leading an active life, or for those who don’t know where to start.

Download the directory by visiting our Agestrong webpage.

If you want hard copies for your area please email your name address to       
