Graduate Program Information Sessions

Looking for more information on the graduate programs offered by Peninsula Health? We’re holding information sessions in April, May and June to share details about our programs.  

The graduate program information sessions provide an excellent understanding on what Peninsula Health can offer future graduates across General Enrolled and Registered Nursing, Mental Health, and Midwifery graduate programs. 

These can be accessed online and face-to-face, covering both the application for Post Medical Council Victoria (PMCV) and Peninsula Health. Our programs are flexible, allowing us to meet individual needs whilst providing the knowledge and experience to form the base of a successful and rewarding career. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet our graduate educators, ask questions and get a great understanding of what our General Enrolled & Registered Nursing, Mental Health and Midwifery programs can offer future graduates. 

Register your interest through Eventbrite:  

