Volunteering opportunities at Peninsula Health in 2023

Pink Ladies Janine and Julie outside Frankston Hospital.
Are you looking to give back to the community in 2023? If so, our wonderful Pink Ladies are looking for more volunteers to help them in their kiosk at Frankston Hospital, and a range of volunteering opportunities are on offer across our health service. 
As Peninsula Health’s longest running volunteer group, the Pink Ladies sell food, drink and an array of merchandise to help raise funds for our medical facilities. As a Pink Lady you also contribute to our wonderful sense of community, acting as a friendly face to anyone entering Frankston Hospital.
If you are interested in becoming a Pink Lady we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact our Volunteer Program Manager, Helen Wilson, on 9784 2674.
We have a number of other opportunities to get involved in a volunteer aspect at Peninsula Health, these include;
  • Volunteer Engagement – Volunteers support our organisation in many ways and can be found helping out in wards, kiosks, emergency departments, activity rooms, reception areas, in the community and participating in fundraising activities. 
  • Consumer Engagement – Representing patient, consumer, carer and community views on how we provide our services through participating in our Consumer Participation Program which includes: Community Advisory Groups, Committees, Working Groups and directly in our wards. 
  • Community Advisory Committee – is an advisory committee to the Peninsula Health Board of Directors. Community Members bring the voice of consumers, carers and community perspectives into strategic decision making around planning, design, delivery and evaluation of Peninsula Health services. 

For more information, see Get Involved.

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