The Pinkies are back with a wonderful donation

Chief Executive Felicity Topp, with members of the Frankston Hospital Pink Ladies Auxiliary Executive – Lyn, Janine, Heather and Carole. 

After re-opening their kiosk in May, the Frankston Hospital Pink Ladies Auxiliary has managed to raise a remarkable $100,000 for Peninsula Health.  

“We have raised quite a bit of money,” says Pink Ladies President Carole Thwaites. “I can’t believe we’ve been able to raise that much in a short amount of time.” 

This tremendous donation comes after the Pink Ladies closed their kiosk for more than two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chief Executive Felicity Topp thanked the Pink Ladies for their enormous contribution to Peninsula Health at their Annual General Meeting on 27 September.

“The Pinkies were greatly missed, by our patients, visitors, contractors and staff,” says Felicity. “We are so happy to have you all back, and the kiosk open once again.” 

“When people come to Frankston Hospital, it may be one of the best or most difficult days of their lives. I’d like to thank the Pinkies for always being compassionate, caring and kind when interacting with our community,” adds Felicity.

The Pink Ladies have had a monumental influence on Frankston Hospital since their inception in 1968 and since returning to the hospital in May, the Pinkies have worked hundreds of volunteer hours to raise funds for new equipment and upgraded facilities at Frankston Hospital, to help give the best of care to patients and local families. 

If you are interested in becoming a Pink Lady or a volunteer at Peninsula Health we would be delighted to hear from you. To find out more, please visit: or contact our Volunteer Program Manager, Helen Wilson, on 9784 2674. 
