“Although I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, I was very excited by the idea of caseload,” says Simona Farrell. “Lauren was assigned as my midwife and from the moment I met her, I was even more excited about the rest of my journey and delivery.”
At 27 weeks pregnant, Simona joined Peninsula Health’s caseload midwifery program, giving birth through the program to her second daughter, Isla Rae, on 14 February.
Simona instantly felt comfortable and secure with her caseload midwife, Lauren. “She was absolutely incredible, I didn’t feel any judgement about any decisions I made,” adds Simona. “I felt supported, empowered and educated.”
Throughout the program, Lauren provided Simona with many resources, helping to educate her on her delivery and feeding journey. “These resources have been a very positive part of my postpartum journey,” explains Simona. “Lauren was easy to communicate with and there was never a question she couldn’t answer.”
As the caseload model is still new to Peninsula Health, the numbers of women who can be accepted are limited. Women can ask their GP to add their interest on the referral sent to the hospital, or they can ask at their antenatal care appointment.
“I honestly had the most incredible experience through caseload,” says Simona. “I am so excited for future caseload mums to experience this also.”