Successful accreditation review for Community Health Family Violence Service

Peninsula Health’s commitment to providing world-class care is deeply ingrained in our Community Health Family Violence Service (FVS).

Pleasingly, this commitment was formally recognised recently following a successful accreditation review of the FVS by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.

Our FVS offers a number of client-focused programs which see trained and compassionate staff work closely with members of the Frankston-Mornington Peninsula community to reduce instances of family violence and promote people’s right to wellbeing and safety.

The successful accreditation – including the overwhelmingly positive feedback contained in the Assessment Report – is a testament to the tremendous work of our staff who are dedicated to bettering the community every day.

Community Health Operations Director, Iain Edwards, and the leadership group said they would like to congratulate all concerned on its award of three years accreditation to the Department of Health & Human Services – Human Services Standards.  The leadership group acknowledged everyone’s participation and contribution, noting it was a busy couple of days for the assessors and staff involved.

Click here to view the Accreditation Certificate.

About Peninsula Health’s FVS programs

An overview of the FVS programs that were central to the accreditation review are as follows.

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Keeping Families Safe

Keeping Families Safe (KFS) is a state-funded program that focuses on the safety needs of families when an adolescent is using violence at home.

The program is available to parents, carers, family members and young people (aged 12-18 years) who live both on the Mornington Peninsula.

Under the program, our trained staff work closely with families without blame or shame, seeking to improve relationships by enhancing safety and wellbeing. The program includes the opportunity for parents and adolescents to participate in group work along with other families.

Click here to learn more.

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The Men’s Behavioural Change Program (MBCP)

MBCP is a Family Safety Victoria – Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) funded program. The MBCP runs behavioural change groups for men who have a history of violent, abusive and/or controlling behaviours. The safety of women and children is a key priority.

The sessions are raw and honest, with staff helping men understand the impact of their behaviour on the lives of those around them, and showing them how respectful relationships should work.

Participants are encouraged to hold themselves accountable for their behaviour.

The MBCP has been branded locally by Peninsula Health as the Men Exploring Non-Violent Solutions (MENS) program.

The program offers a separate modified service for men with acquired brain injuries or learning difficulties, making smaller group work more effective.

Click here to learn more.

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The Orange Door

The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing (or have experienced) family violence, and for families who need extra support with the care of children.

Community members can access a range of services through The Orange Door. This includes specialist family violence services, family services, Aboriginal services, and services for men who use violence.

Multiple Peninsula Health programs are accessible via The Orange Door, with a service location in Frankston.

Click here to learn more


What did clients say about our FVS programs?

During the review, clients who have used our FVS programs provided anonymous feedback to accreditors. A brief summary of their responses is below.

[wpspoiler name=’Read the feedback provided by our clients’]

  • One client said that after completing the MBCP, his adult sons have been “amazed by how much he has changed” and that he would “highly recommend the program to others”. He also said he knows he is a changed person because he has received compliments from many people in his life.
  • One client was referred to the KFS program, to assist with the aggressive behaviour of her 12-year-old son. She described how useful the service was in assisting with her son’s behaviour and the difference that it made to all of their lives. Her son now is settled and managing well after the program. She said she felt staff worked in partnership with both her and her son to achieve positive outcomes.
  • One client said the MBCP helped him become more aware of his own behaviour, and that it had instigated positive changes in his life.
  • One client participated in the MBCP. He said he found the program to be very beneficial, and his partner is also very happy with outcome.


What did the accreditors say about our programs and FVS?

[wpspoiler name=’Read what the accreditors said about our programs and FVS’]

  • “Peninsula Health (FVS) demonstrated their commitment to a person-centred approach across all of the services offered; this ensures a holistic focus on the whole person, their goals, aspirations and preferences. This is reflected in the model of care … to reduce domestic violence against women. It was obvious to the assessment team that the model of care is well embedded into practice across all areas of the service.”
  • “Peninsula Health FVS staff are to be commended for the manner in which they adapted and continued to supply quality services during the pandemic, acknowledging the additional demands that this placed on their own families as well as clients.”
  • “Both (MBCP & KFS) programs focus on strengths and enhancing these with the support of the professional staff. The programs have a strong goal to “break the cycle” of family violence and to create improved family/society functioning by the individual and family unit.”
  • “Peninsula Health FVS management and staff displayed a sound understanding of their client’s right of choice in engaging with the service and encourages them to participate in all aspects of decision making while engaged with the service… It was evident that all programs offered by Peninsula Health FVS have a culture which ensures that clients can exercise choice and control in whichever program they attend.”
  • “It was evident to the Assessors that Peninsula Health FVS places great importance on partnering with clients and families to focus on a strengths-based approach to identify and build on their existing capabilities. Active engagement strategies, based on evidence-based practices, are used when engaging with clients and families.”


More information

For more information about our Community Health Services, including our FVS, please click here.
