Peninsula Health successfully meets the ‘Healthy Choices: Policy Directive’

This blog was written by Andie Murphy, an IUHPE – Registered Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health.

Peninsula Health implemented the Victorian Government ‘Healthy Choices: Policy Directive’, to ensure our staff, visitors and volunteers have access to healthier drink options in all cafes, kiosks and vending machines.

Working alongside the Healthy Eating Advisory Services (HEAS), we collaborated with our in-house and contracted food retailers across all sites. Over a six month period Peninsula Health’s eight cafes/kiosks and 18 vending machines were transformed to successfully meet the ‘Healthy Choices: Policy Directive’ for drinks in all food outlets in 2022.

As we reflect on this process, some of the highlights have been:

We were able to keep a large variety of drinks within the fridges such as juice, dairy-based drinks, sugar-free soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks and Kombucha therefore are available throughout our food outlets. Alongside, successfully adding an extra 277 (37%) healthy drink options, an added achievement was securing the stocking of Lucozade in all our drink vending machines, some of our cafes and kiosks to assist visitors experiencing a hypoglycaemic episode (hypo) when visiting our services.

We developed strong relationships while working in partnership alongside all food outlet vendors and managers as well as Peninsula Health internal departments such as Support Services, Corporate Communications and Philanthropy, Nutrition and Dietetics and Volunteers, Monash Dietetic Students, Mental Health and Organisation Health & Wellbeing Officer.  

“I am very proud of how we at Kafe K set up our fridges to support the directive early on, which allowed our staff to be informed of the changes that were coming in September. Having the strong relationship with the Health Promotion team, meant the process flowed with ease from start to finish,” says Peninsula Health’s Kafe K Supervisor. 

“We totally support Peninsula Health to maximise the health of all our patrons in making Healthy Choices with their selection of no Sugary Drinks from our Kiosk. We the Pink Ladies were one of the first to be compliant with healthy choices, which came into effect on 30 September this year,” says a representatives from the Pink Ladies. 

Finally, we want to wholeheartedly thank the following outlets for all their hard work, flexibility, patience, and continued support. Please join us in congratulating:

  • Kafe K: Frankston Hospital Level 2
  • Pink Ladies: Frankston Hospital Level 3 main entrance
  • Domino 3 Cafe: Frankston Integrated Community Health and Frankston Emergency Department
  • Ernie’s: Golf Links Road and The Mornington Centre
  • Rosebud Kiosk: Rosebud Hospital main entrance
  • The Coffee Cart: Frankston Public Surgical Centre main entrance
  • All vending machines managed by All Ways Vending
  • Catering for all departments and events.

You can scan the QR Code for further information below or visit the Victorian Department of Health directive.  
