National Palliative Care Week 2021: It’s more than you think

Staff who make up the palliative care workforce at Peninsula Health.

With National Palliative Care Week kicking off on Sunday 23 May, we’re taking a moment to pause and reflect on the amazing impact our people have in this often misunderstood part of the health service. 

This year’s theme is ‘Palliative Care… It’s more than you think!’ and it reminds us palliative care is not just about physical symptom management, but is about helping people live as well as possible, for as long as possible when living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. 

“We are what I call ‘a team of teams’ – in this photo is an occupational therapist, a social worker, spiritual care staff, kitchen staff, nurses and doctors – we all work towards a common goal of making the stay of our patients as pleasant as it can be,” says Dr Sandeep Bhagat, Head of Palliative Care. 

“Together we identify and treat symptoms which may be physical, emotional, spiritual or social.”

A huge thank you to all in our palliative care workforce for the unwavering support, understanding and compassion you give every patient and their families, every time.
