National Carers Week: It’s OK to look after yourself

This National Carers Week (10-16 October) we recognise the incredible work being done by those who look after the most vulnerable members of our community.
As unpaid carers continue to support the COVID-19 response by caring for the sick, elderly and most vulnerable, it’s easy for them to neglect their own needs and look after their own mental health and wellbeing.
Our Operations Director of Mental Health, Bronwyn Lawman suggests getting outside as an easy way for a carer to look after themselves.
“It can be soul enriching to spend time outside in nature in our gardens or local parks and appreciate natures beauty,” says Bronwyn.
“It has the other impact of helping us to focus on something positive and help free our minds from worry, stress and anxiety which in turn helps us cope with this most complex time. Take time to smell the flowers and listen to the birds sing.”
Remember, it’s OK to look after me.