Meet Sue Gonelli – a leader in Infection Prevention and Control

Susan Gonelli

Managing a team of dedicated Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Nurse Consultants, Peninsula Health’s Infection Control Manager, Sue Gonelli, has been a pivotal and inspiring leader during the COVID-19 pandemic; ensuring our staff, patients and community are constantly protected against viral infections — now and in the future.  

“Having been embedded in the COVID-19 response since the beginning, Sue is the keystone behind Peninsula Health’s COVID-19 response,” says Peninsula Health Operations Director of Outbreak Response / Infection Prevention & Control, Robert Jewson. “Her knowledge of operational functions within Peninsula Health, along with her clinical expertise and experience, has guided us through many different COVID-19 situations. This has undoubtedly prevented hundreds of COVID-19 transmissions and saved just as many lives.” 

Sue has oversight of our Staff Immunisation Service, COVID-19 PPE Safety Spotter and Marshal Service, the Respiratory Protection Programs and Contact Tracing.  

“All things IPACU are really Sue’s passion, and she has dedicated much of her work-life to improving patient outcomes, as well as supporting many staff who have needed her advice and expert opinion,” adds Acting Director of Patient Control, Kim Heriot. “Sue rarely leaves any task undone and ensures that patients and staff get the right advice.” 

The various teams Sue oversees have worked tirelessly alongside each other in supporting the COVID-19 pandemic response, as well as maintaining business-as-usual functions for the Infection Prevention and Control Unit. “Sue is so dedicated, and no questions are too silly,” Kim affirmed.  

In her spare time, Sue is an avid agility dog trainer and loves to spend time with her own canines Rosie, Lexie and Barney, as well as camping in her new caravan with friends and family. 
