Groovy ’60s themed Social Support Group proves a hit

It was all peace, love and music at the recent ‘60s themed Social Support Group held at Mornington Community Health.

Filled with bright colours, costumes, and even a life-sized cut-out of Elvis, the get-together aimed to provide a fun environment for older adults to feel comfortable socialising with people of a similar age and ability.

Social Support Group participants with volunteer Deborah.

“A number of our consumers were teenagers in the ‘60s or they had a young family growing up in the ‘60s,” says Social Support Team Leader, Kay Wrangles.

“Reminiscing is a wonderful way to assist people who have memory loss. We use music, TV shows, games and fashion to help with them remember the good old days.”

If you know someone who might be interested in joining the Social Support Group, they can apply through the My Aged Care portal or a referral can be made for those under 65 through our NDIS ACCESS team.
