Getting Elective Surgery Patients to Quit Smoking 

No smoking on Peninsula Health sites signage

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and illness in Australia. 

So, for World No Tobacco Day, we’re highlighting the clinical trial by Peninsula Health staff anaesthetist, Dr Ashley Webb, which involved adult smokers awaiting elective surgery at Frankston Hospital.   

The trial found that offering mailed nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and Quitline support was a practical, safe and inexpensive strategy to encourage patients to stop smoking before elective surgery. 

“Surgery is a great time to quit, because hospitals are smoke free, and quitting greatly reduces the risk of postoperative complications,” Dr Webb said.  

“Implementation of the program means around 10 per cent fewer smokers will pass through the doors of this health service.” 

Peninsula Health is committed to providing a smoke free environment for staff, patients, visitors and carers. Our smoke free policy prohibits any smoking or carrying of lighted cigarettes, cigars, vapes or pipes anywhere on the Peninsula Health site.  

Read more about the trial here:
