Five years after his life-threatening birth, Charlie is starting school

Five years ago, at Frankston Hospital, Brittany Miller’s son Charlie was born in a difficult delivery involving a cord prolapse; a rare delivery complication that can result in insufficient oxygen supply to the baby.  

“The nurses and midwives went above and beyond to save my baby’s life and to provide as much support as possible to myself, my husband and my mum,” says Brittany.  

Charlie is now a healthy, happy and thriving five-year-old, with lots of energy and excitement for the world around him. “He talks more than any other human being I’ve ever met in my entire life,” adds Brittany.  

Last month, Charlie attended his first day of school.  

“As I was kissing him goodbye, it really hit home that he was only able to do this because of the phenomenal care that was given to us when he was delivered,” says Brittany.  

“Even though five years have gone past, I still remind myself just how lucky we are.”  

Image: Brittany Miller with son Charlie