Celebrating World Social Work Day

Peninsula Health social worker Kirby Dornbusch.

Ahead of World Social Work Day on March 16, we took the opportunity to catch up with Kirby Dornbusch to find out why Peninsula Health’s social workers are passionate about what they do.

“It may sound like a cliché, but the reason why we are so dedicated to our roles is because every day is as challenging as it is rewarding,” reflects Kirby, who’s currently based on Port Phillip and Bass wards at Frankston Hospital.

“We have an enormous privilege of being part of the personal and intimate stories of our consumers. Every day we get to go home with the accomplishment of making a positive difference, knowing we have advocated for those patients and clients who can’t speak up for themselves.”

We recognise the difference our Social Workers make and thank them for their contribution to the health service.
