Vascular High Risk Foot Clinic

The High Risk Foot Clinic (HRFC) is a multidisciplinary clinic that includes Podiatrists, Vascular Surgeon, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Endocrinologist.

We used evidence-based care to assess and develop a treatment plan for foot/ankle ulcers and Charcot foot.

Patients may require more than one review in this clinic, depending on the severity of their condition. Where patients are discharged from this clinic, appropriate ongoing Podiatry follow up is organised to ensure their foot condition is managed appropriately.

Peninsula Health does not have a general Vascular Surgery Outpatient service. 


All referrals must be addressed to the appropriate consultant and faxed to HRFC Coordinator for triage. A referral form is available on the right hand side column.

Fax: 9125 8912

Phone: (03) 9784 8101 (option 5)


  • Vascular – Mr Justin Jedynak 
  • Orthopaedics – Dr Amy Touzell, Mr Daniel Goldbloom, Mr Janan Chandrananth, Mr Kai Yao
  • Endocrinology – Dr Stella Sarlos

Categories for appointment

  • Referrals will be triaged within eight business days of receiving the referral
  • Referrers will be notified of the referral outcome within eight business days 
  • Patients will be contacted within eight business days and appointments will be booked within four weeks
Clinical descriptionTime frame for appointment
Category 1
– Foot ulceration > 4 weeks, without improvement despite best practice wound care, offloading and medical management
– Foot ulceration in the presence of known / suspected peripheral arterial disease (no palpable pulses, short distance claudication or rest pain)
Suspected osteomyelitis with foot ulceration 
– Persistent soft tissue infection with foot ulceration, that has not responded to appropriately prescribed antibiotic therapy
– Red, hot, swollen foot suspicious of active Charcot foot
1-4 weeks
Category 2
– Neuropathic symptoms associated with deranged foot function and structure4-12 weeks 
Referral may be redirected for review in Podiatry clinic
Emergency– Systemic illness / sepsis / acutely unwell due to foot ulcer or infection 
– Critical lower limb ischaemia with necrosis, pain or ulceration 
– Suspected acute lower limb ischaemia
– Rapidly deteriorating deep ulceration, necrosis or purulent discharge
– Suspected foreign body in the foot
Direct Immediately to Emergency Department

Eligibility criteria

As above, see Categories for Appointment.

Exclusion criteria and Alternate Referral Options

The conditions below are excluded from this clinic. Please consider the suggested alternative referral options.

Refer to Podiatry Services via ACCESS

  • Acute ulceration (< 4 weeks) without infection
  • Foot ulceration without infection or peripheral arterial disease
  • Foot ulceration > 4 weeks without best practice wound care, offloading and medical management
  • Lower limb peripheral arterial disease without foot ulceration
  • Fungal infections of the foot (skin or nail)
  • Other foot pathology

Refer to Chronic Wound Clinic via ACCESS

  • All wounds above the ankle

Refer to appropriate Diabetes Outpatient Clinic

  • Endocrinology/Diabetes concerns without foot ulceration/ infection / peripheral arterial disease

Refer to Lymphoedema Clinic via ACCESS 

  • Lower limb lymphoedema

Refer to Orthopaedics Outpatient Clinic

  • Orthopaedic pathologies other than Charcot foot 

Other vascular surgery assessments

Please Note There is no Vascular Outpatient service at Peninsula Health

Patients who need Vascular Surgery assessment but ho do not fulfill eligibility criteria for the High-Risk Foot clinic can be referred to:

  1. A private vascular surgeon who can then refer to Frankston Hospital as a public patient if surgery is required. A list of hospital specialists with private rooms who can refer patients to the Frankston Hospital Vascular Surgery waiting list can be found here
  2. Monash Health Vascular Surgery Outpatients

Make a referral

All referrals to this clinic must contain the following information.

Referral: Date of referral, Speciality, Referring practitioner, Provider Number, Referrer’s signature.

Patient Demographic: Full name, Date of birth, Postal address, Contact numbers, Medicare Number, Interpreter required.

Clinical: Reason for referral, Duration of symptoms, Management to date, Past medical history, Current medications, Allergies, Diagnostics as per referral guidelines X-ray results/reports must be within the last 6 months.

Further information

This clinic operates every Tuesday from 8am – 1pm, located at Podiatry Department at the Frankston Integrated Health Building.

Patient must have access to their own transport to attend appointments (transport is not available for this clinic).

Where referral information is unclear, or patients do not meet clinic eligibility criteria, referrals will be triaged and offered an appointment in the Podiatry community health clinic, or forwarded to the most appropriate service for initial assessment.

Last update:
