Supportive and Palliative Care Clinic

The Supportive and Palliative Care Clinic is for patients with a life limiting illness. The clinic has a focus on improving symptoms, quality of life, patient and carer support and enhancing linkage with community services.

At the clinic patients will be seen by a specialist palliative care doctor and/or clinical nurse consultant.

This clinic IS NOT suitable for community palliative care referral, instead a referral should be made directly to the appropriate Community Palliative Care Service (eg Peninsula Home Hospice).


Referrals: Referral addressed to named head of unit is preferred.

E-referral using the GP Referral Template located within the Mastercare Referralnet system is preferred.

For faxed referrals: FAX 9125 9846

Categories for appointment

Clinical DescriptionTimeframe
Category 1
Severe symptoms or referring
doctor requests urgent review
7 days
Category 2
All other referrals14 days
EmergencyEmergency referrals are not an
appropriate referral for this
clinic. Instead a call should be
made to the Palliative Care
Consultant regarding admission
to hospital or the Palliative Care
Unit via Switchboard 9784 7777

Eligibility criteria

  • Residents residing within the Peninsula Health geographical area
  • Patients are known to have a life limiting, incurable illness and has palliative care needs
  • The referring practitioner has explained the role of the Supportive and Palliative Care clinic and the patient/family is accepting of this

Exclusion criteria

  • For patients requiring only community palliative care, a referral should be made directly to the appropriate Community Palliative Care Service (eg Peninsula Home Hospice)
  • Patients residing outside the Peninsula Health geographical area
  • Unable to attend the clinic, has transport issues or RACF patients
  • Patient/family has not provided consent to referral
  • Overseas Non Eligible patients must first contact Patient Liaison Office on 9784 8056 to make payment arrangements before booking can be made Receiving MND/ALS out-patients care

Alternative referral options

Patients requiring only community palliative care referral should be made to the appropriate Community Palliative Care Service (eg Peninsula Home Hospice)

  • MND/ALS patients should be referred to the Statewide Progressive Neurological Disease Service at Bethlehem Hospital P 9595 3355
  • Victorian Palliative Care Advice Service, offers free non-urgent advice: 1800 360 000 (0700 – 2200, 365 days a year)
  • For RACF patients requiring advice, contact Peninsula Health Community Care (Residential In-reach) on 9788 1700, Palliative Care Consultant via Switchboard 9784 7777
  • Patients requiring Palliative Care Unit admission should be discussed with Palliative Care Consultant via Switchboard 9784 7777
  • Patients that have already been referred to ED should be discussed with Palliative Care Consultancy Service on 9784 7232

Make a referral

All referrals to this clinic must contain the following information.

Referral: Date of referral, Speciality, Referring practitioner, Provider Number, Referrer’s signature.

Patient Demographic: Full name, Date of birth, Postal address, Contact numbers, Medicare Number, Interpreter required.

Clinical: Reason for referral, Duration of symptoms, Management to date, Past medical history, Current medications, Allergies, Diagnostics as per referral guidelines X-ray results/reports must be within the last 6 months.

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