Endocrinology Clinic

Peninsula Health’s Endocrinology Clinic looks after adult patients with problems related to the production of hormones or tumours within hormone secreting glands.


Referral addressed to named head of unit is preferred.

E-referral using the GP Referral Template located within the Mastercare Referralnet system is preferred.

For faxed referrals: FAX 9788 1879

Categories for appointment

Clinical DescriptionTimeframe for Appointment
Category 1
1-2 weeks
Category 2
All othersNext available
Emergency– Hyperthyroidism
complicated by cardiac, respiratory compromise or other indications of severe illness (fever, vomiting, labile blood pressure, altered mental state)
– Neutropenic sepsis in patient taking carbimazole or propylthiouracil
– Hyperthyroidism with hypokalaemia or paralysis.
– Suspected myxoedema
coma (impaired conscious state,
hypothermia, bradycardia) with high thyroid stimulating hormone level.
– Thyroid mass with difficulty
in breathing.
Emergency Department

Eligibility criteria

Refer to Statewide Referral Criteria for Specialist Clinics.

Exclusion criteria and alternative referral options

  • Acutely unwell
  • < 18 years of age – Monash Health or Royal Children’s Hospital
  • Private services
  • Thyroid Mass may also be referred to General Surgery Outpatients

Make a referral

All referrals to this clinic must contain the following information.

Referral: Date of referral, Speciality, Referring practitioner, Provider Number, Referrer’s signature.

Patient Demographic: Full name, Date of birth, Postal address, Contact numbers, Medicare Number, Interpreter required.

Clinical: Reason for referral, Duration of symptoms, Management to date, Past medical history, Current medications, Allergies, Diagnostics as per referral guidelines X-ray results/reports must be within the last 6 months.

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