Medical Clinics
- Cognitive, Dementia & Memory Service CDAMS via ACCESS
- Geriatric Medicine Clinic
- Rehabilitation Services
- Wound Clinics
Other Services include:
- Advance Care Planning
- Aged Mental Health services
- Elder Abuse Support
- Falls and Balance Clinic refer via ACCESS
Aged Care ACCESS Services at Peninsula Health
All referrals for those aged 65+ (aged 50+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples clients) seeking individual appointments for the below services, need to be directed to the My Aged Care Portal.
My Aged Care PH 1800 200 422 FAX 1800 728 174
- Podiatry
- Physiotherapy including Outreach Physiotherapy
- Exercise Physiology
- Outreach Occupational Therapy
- Outreach Speech Pathology
- Social Support Group
Referral to these services for people aged less than 65 (50 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples clients) and for all other ACCESS services listed should be referred to ACCESS as usual.