eReferral for ACCESS

The date for adoption of eReferral for ACCESS has been postponed.  The future implementation date will be communicated here and in a GP newsletter, as soon as more information is available. 
E-referral to Outpatients continues as normal.

ACCESS is the first point of contact for information and referrals to a wide range of Community Health, Allied Health, RAPPS (Rehabilitation, Ageing, Pain and Palliative Care) and Aged /other Specialist services (both Centre based and Outreach) at Peninsula Health. 


Clinics requring GP referral (marked with asterix*) have detailed referral guidelines under subsequent tabs for the relevant health condition.

ACCESS Fax:  9125 5862 / Access Referral Form
1300 665 781 Mon to Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patients can self-refer to many ACCESS and Community Health Services (see links).

List of ACCESS Services

Clinics requring GP referral (marked with asterix*) have detailed referral guidelines under subsequent tabs for the relevant health condition.
