If your patient is in immediate danger, call 000
This page contains specific information relevant to health professionals. If you are looking for Peninsula Health service information, see Services.
Peninsula Health Services
Keeping Families Safe
The program is available to parents, carers, family members and young people aged 12-18 years, living in the City of Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Shire when adolescent violence in the home is occurring.
Men Exploring Non-Violent Solutions (MENS)
The Men Exploring Non-violent Solutions (MENS) program runs behaviour change groups for men who have used violent, abusive and/or controlling behaviours within the family and want to stop using these behaviours. The safety of women and children is a priority.
Men Exploring Non-violent Solutions (MENS) program
Elder Abuse: Support for Older Hospitalised Patients
Our Social Work department has specialist workers, including an Elder Abuse Liaison Officer, available to provide inpatient support to patients, family members and supporters. Encourage clients to ask to speak with a social worker at any stage of their care.
Family Violence Information Sharing Request
Peninsula Health have a process for Information Sharing Entities (ISEs) to request information under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS). Please complete the Family Violence and Child information Sharing Request form and email it to ISS@phcn.vic.gov.au
This form can be found on the Peninsula Health Information Release webpage.
The Orange Door Service Frankston
A free service that operates during business hours Monday to Friday (closed public holidays), that assists families with family violence, parenting and relationships difficulties.
Contact can be made by phone, email or in-person.
60-64 Wells St
1800 319 353