Information for health professionals
This page contains specific information relevant to health professionals. If you are looking for Peninsula Health service information, see Services.
For urgent or emergencny referrals aged 16 years and older, contact Peninsula Health Mental Health Triage Service on 1300 792 977.
Referral criteria include young people requiring an assessment and intervention from within 24 hours to 3 days and would include those at imminent risk to themselves or to others due to their symptoms.
Peninsula Health Mental Health Service (PHMHS) & headspace Early Psychosis Program (hEP)
Young people accessing PHMHS who are identified as meeting criteria for hEP are referred to this team.
PHMHS provides inpatient treatment and access to the YPARC and more intensive community treatment if/when this is required. In these instances, the young person remains part of the hEP Program and can continue with follow up and case management with them after these episodes of care.
headspace Early Psychosis Program (hEP)
hEP accept non-urgent referrals for young people aged 12-25 years and will see young people within one week of referral.
hEP is a specific multidisciplinary team that sits within the Frankston headspace site. hEP works with young people in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula local government areas who present with symptoms of psychosis or who are identified as being at high risk of developing psychosis.
hEP Referral information
PH 9769 6419followed up with a faxed referral on FAX 9770 5688.
Business Hours Monday to Friday. Ask for hEP Duty Worker.
Self-referrals from young people are accepted.
More information about hEP
headspace Early Psychosis is an integrated holistic support service for young people experiencing First Episode Psychosis (FEP) or young people at Ultra High Risk (UHR) of developing psychosis. The service also offers support for their families. Outreach appointments can be provided.
The program offers intensive, integrated services including case management for young people and their families for up to five years. The program can provide young people and their families with:
- A free and confidential service
- Continuing Care Team (CCT) Clinicians providing centre based and outreach case management
- School support – linkages with well-being teams, etc.
- Evidence based early treatment with a multidisciplinary team
- Family work
- Psychoeducation
- Psychiatry support
- Carer support
- GP services
- Outreach services
- Comprehensive recovery programs providing a range of psychosocial interventions including Discovery colleges, groups, vocational support, exercise physiology, neuropsychology, youth participation and support
- Support for family and friends
- Telehealth
What is Ultra High Risk (UHR)?
- May be identified via CAARMS tool (Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental State)
- Vulnerability Group: Family history of psychosis in first degree relative or schizotypal personality disorder is identified in the young person
- Attenuated Psychosis Group: individuals with sub-threshold (intensity or frequency) positive psychotic symptoms. The symptoms, along with a decline in functioning, must have been present in the past year
- Brief Limited Intermittent Psychosis Syndrome group (BLIPS): Those who have experienced episodes of frank psychotic symptoms within the past year and have not lasted longer than a week and have spontaneously remitted (i.e. without treatment)
with Functional decline ie a reduced capacity to engage in usual life and roles at any time in the previous 12 months or longstanding poor functioning.