Community Advisory Committee
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is an advisory committee to the Peninsula Health Board of Directors. The primary role of the Community Advisory Committee is to bring the voice of consumers, carers and the community into strategic decision making within Peninsula Health, ensuring consumer and carer involvement in the planning, design, delivery and evaluation of healthcare at the individual level as well as program, department and health service level.
Membership of the CAC includes Consumer Representatives, members of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, members of the Executive team and other senior Peninsula Health staff.
As a Community Member you will bring your own diverse experience and knowledge. You will represent our broader community, and advise the Health Service on matters of consumer, carer and community interest or concern. You will also help to inform the community about what is happening at Peninsula Health.
Through partnering with consumers and carers, Peninsula Health can better understand the healthcare needs of our community.
The CAC meets at least six times a year at various Peninsula Health sites (or via an online platform as required) and provides opportunity for information sharing, robust discussion and learning.
Community Advisory Groups
Peninsula Health has a number of Community Advisory Groups (CAGs) that bring the consumer and community perspective, experiences and concerns into Peninsula Health.
Each CAG has been established in response to the needs of our community.
Membership of the groups includes consumers, carers and key Peninsula Health staff. Some groups have representatives from other service providers.
The CAGs enable two-way communication between Peninsula Health and the broader community. As a Consumer Advisor you will provide advice on specific matters of consumer, carer and community interest or concern. You will also help to inform the community about what is happening at Peninsula Health.
Each CAG provides opportunity for information sharing, robust discussion and learning. The CAGs report to the Peninsula Health Community Advisory Committee.
Our current Community Advisory Groups:
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Community Health
- Multicultural and Deaf
- Disability and NDIS
- Frankston/Northern Peninsula
- Rainbow
- Mental Health
- Personal Alarm Call Service (MePACS)
- Older persons / Carers CAG
- Southern
- Western Port
Committees and Working Groups
Consumer Advisors partner with us on a number of Peninsula Health Committees, including Quality and Safety Committees. We also have a number of short-term Working Groups and Projects. You will bring the consumer perspective, experiences and concerns into issues discussed.
We are currently seeking consumers to join a number of committees.
Ward Consumer Advisors
A Consumer Advisor role has been introduced to our wards at Peninsula Health to enhance the patient experience. Whilst on the ward the Consumer Advisor may:
- Assist patients to provide feedback on their experience collecting surveys electronically at the bedside
- Raise awareness and encourage patients, their families or carers to ‘speak up’ and ask questions about their care
- Review consumer survey experience reports and assists staff in identifying opportunities for improvement
- Participate in observational audits
- Be a friendly face, offer opportunity for light/social conversations with patients, families and carers
….And many more
Adverse Event Review Panels
When serious adverse patient safety events occur, it is important Peninsula Health, the patient and their family/carers understand what has happened. This provides an opportunity to learn from what went wrong and improve safety for patients.
An adverse event review follows a method to analyse and learn what happened, how and why it happened, and what improvements can be made to avoid it happening again. A review is generally undertaken if there is serious harm or death resulting from an incident. The outcomes from the review should help prevent similar events in the future.
A Consumer Advisor can challenge assumptions that are made and provide a service user viewpoint. This can lead to new lines of inquiry that may otherwise not have been considered.
Specific attributes for an effective consumer advisor in this role include:
- Strong advocacy and negotiation skills
- A good understanding of people
- A fair-minded, considerate, detail-driven and logical approach
You do not need to have an in-depth knowledge of healthcare. Training is provided for the role.
Education and Learning Hub
Consumer Advisors provide feedback and consultation to the Learning Hub regarding the content, focus and objectives of various education and training programs. Consumer Advisors are part of a group available to be contacted to volunteer or opt-in to time-limited projects when education and training programs are being developed.
Consumer Simulated Patients
A Consumer Simulated Patient is a person role-playing or acting out a particular health scenario in education sessions for clinical staff. The program involves consumers engaged through Peninsula Health’s Consumer Engagement Program to simulate (pretend) being a patient or relative/carer in particular heath related situations.
The audience is people who are participating in learning activities at the health service. Consumers are provided with training and are guided and supported by the Simulation Centre staff during all scenarios.