Community Health

Student leadership shines at Overport Primary School

Student Health Ambassadors work hard to promote sun protection at Overport Primary. Photo: Supplied. This blog is written by Kristen Young, Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. Overport Primary, located in Frankston South, celebrated 20 years of being a sun smart school this year. Student leaders were invited to contribute their bright ideas to update …

Health Promotion – Key achievements in our community 2017-2021

This blog was written by Taylah Steer, a Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. Infographic created by Eva Nikolitsis, a Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. Over the last four years, the Health Promotion team have been busy creating interventions and actions across local settings; education (schools and early years), neighbourhoods, workplaces and sport and …

Local leisure centres give a “nudge” increasing healthy options for our community

Photo: Nudging healthier options at Civic Recreation Reserve (Civic) and Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre (PARC), Crib Point, Somerville Recreation Centre and Pines Forest Aquatic Centre (PINES) .  This blog is written by Andie Murphy and Evangelia Nikolitsis, Health Promotion Practitioners at Peninsula Health. Over the past four years Peninsula Health in collaboration with Frankston City …

Let’s talk about contraception: What is long acting reversible contraception?

This blog was written by Robyn Holmes and Cathy Halmarick, Sexual & Reproductive Health Nurses at Peninsula Health. Contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy, also known as birth control. Maybe you have never even heard of long acting reversible contraception. You have probably heard of the ‘pill” a tablet you take at the same time …

Using mindfulness to look after your mental wellbeing during lockdown

This blog was written by Taylah Steer, Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. We’re here in lockdown again.  Although we are now seemingly pro’s at the lockdown routine, now more than ever we need to continue with the healthy habits we have already established, or even start building in some new ones. In particular, ensuring …

Wallaroo Primary in Hastings improving students’ connection with their learning

A teacher helps a student in the classroom at Wallaroo Primary School, prior to COVID-19 restrictions. Photo: Supplied. This blog is written by Kristen Young, Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. One school is making a big impact when it comes to helping students to feel connected and engaged in their learning. Wallaroo Primary school …

How the Best Bites program is creating healthy communities on the Peninsula

Peninsula Health Health Promotion Practitioner Tess Merchant has become a face for the Best Bites program. Photo: Supplied. This blog was written by Tess Marchant and Taylah Steer, Health Promotion Practitioners at Peninsula Health. What is the Best Bites program? The Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Best Bites Food Guide highlights food businesses within the Mornington Peninsula area. To …

Promoting health and wellbeing at Jetty Road Childcare and Kindergarten

This blog was written by Taylah Steer, a Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health Just last month, Jetty Road Childcare and Kindergarten in Rosebud achieved recognition as a health promoting early childhood service from the Victorian Government by completing all six health priority areas of the Achievement Program. In the image above you will see …

Keep the kids busy this Easter with these fun school holiday activities

This blog was written by Taylah Steer, a Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. It’s Easter time already. As the Easter school holidays start we wanted to share some fun ideas to help keep the children entertained over the Easter break. So, here you have it, the top five activities you can do with the …
