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Clinic 185 opens on the Mornington Peninsula

Peninsula Health’s Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health service recently opened a medical abortion service – Clinic 185 – in Hastings. The clinic aims to provide easier and safer access to medical abortions for those living on the Mornington Peninsula. Abortion is a common and essential health service. Clinic 185 has received a number of client …

Peninsula Health to become new provider of regional assessment services

As you get older, everyday tasks can become more difficult and you may find that you need help completing tasks around the home. From 1 July2022, Peninsula Health will become the provider of regional assessment services within the Frankston local government area, to be known as the Peninsula Regional Assessment Service (RAS). Peninsula RAS aims …

Men’s Health Week: Building healthy environments for men and boys

It’s Men’s Health Week and this year’s theme is ‘building healthy environments for men and boys’. We spoke with Mental Health Clinical Educator, Rohan de Mel, about the significance of the theme.   “It’s so important for men and boys to feel safe and comfortable to share, listen, engage and be vulnerable. This can be super …

Student leadership shines at Overport Primary School

Student Health Ambassadors work hard to promote sun protection at Overport Primary. Photo: Supplied. This blog is written by Kristen Young, Health Promotion Practitioner at Peninsula Health. Overport Primary, located in Frankston South, celebrated 20 years of being a sun smart school this year. Student leaders were invited to contribute their bright ideas to update …

Stir it up for Seniors this Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day calls for prevention against the mistreatment and harm towards older people. Peninsula Health consumer representative, Dinka Jokovac, has joined the fight against elder abuse, understanding the importance of ensuring older people are respected and included within our community. “I think we’ve lost basic communication and respect towards older people, and it’s …

Blood donation: The act of solidarity saving lives

Tuesday 14 June is World Blood Donor Day, and we’re saying thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their lives to help save someone else’s. For an ailing patient, blood is nothing less than (red) gold. Access to blood can be a matter of life or death for people who have faced …

Take a Break for Cancer this June to help raise funds for cancer services

With Take a Break for Cancer Day just around the corner, our staff are eagerly preparing to help raise funds for cancer services at Frankston and Rosebud Hospital.   Chemotherapy Acting Nurse Unit Manager, Chantelle Pollard, said she was taking a break “for every patient whose diagnosis brings them to us.”   “Cancer changes a …

Recognising the asthma and allergy connection for World Allergy Week

This week is World Allergy Week, a global campaign to raise awareness of the impact of allergic diseases. This year’s topic, ‘the asthma and allergy connection’, highlights the co-existence of asthma and allergies in the upper airways.  To learn more about this topic, we spoke with Acting Clinical Director Emergency Services, Jonathan Dowling. “This co-existence …

Stepping into crazy socks to support healthcare workers with mental illness

Bright, fun and crazy socks are being worn by healthcare workers across Australia and the world to show support to colleagues experiencing mental illness.   Established by Peninsula Health cardiologist Dr Geoff Toogood, the #CrazySocks4Docs campaign aims to break down stigmas surrounding doctors and healthcare workers with poor mental health by fostering important conversations, story sharing …

Getting Elective Surgery Patients to Quit Smoking 

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and illness in Australia.  So, for World No Tobacco Day, we’re highlighting the clinical trial by Peninsula Health staff anaesthetist, Dr Ashley Webb, which involved adult smokers awaiting elective surgery at Frankston Hospital.    The trial found that offering mailed nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and Quitline support was …
