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Caring for People Living With Disability

[Image: Sally Bailey] Carers play an important role in the lives of many people with disability. “My son is a beautiful young man who, regardless of the many challenges he faces, is always able to give me a smile that makes everything better,” says carer Sally Bailey. “He has taught me so much about how …

A fight for life or death: Allan’s four months in ICU

What at first seemed a normal chest infection, soon led to four months in the Intensive Care Unit for Peninsula Health patient Allan Fox.   Diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disorder where the body’s immune system damages nerves, weakens muscles and can leave the body paralyzed, Allan, his family and the staff in our ICU …

IMPORTANT COMMUNITY NEWS – Frankston Hospital Redevelopment incident

Wednesday 23 November   At approximately 10am this morning, a piling rig fell on the Frankston Hospital redevelopment site, onto the nearby Mental Health Building.   All patients, staff and site workers are safe and accounted for. There are no reported injuries.   Police and emergency services are currently on site and investigations are underway …

New research helps COVID patients breathe easier

[image: Peninsula Health Intensive Care Specialist Associate Professor Ashwin Subramaniam]      During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was observed that people with severe COVID-19 symptoms, such as a chest infection, could develop a condition that limited the amount of oxygen to their lungs; commonly referred to as ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome. ARDS can result in severe …

Faces of Peninsula Health – Q&A with Alisha Norton

As a registered nurse completing post graduate studies and working at Frankston Hospital’s Emergency Department, Alisha has taken every opportunity to enhance her knowledge, skills and practice, to allow her to deliver specialised care to patients when they need it most. We spoke with Alisha to find out a bit more about her role and …

Healthy Ageing Research Gets A Boost

More than $4 million has been awarded to 13 collaborative research projects spearheaded by the National Centre for Healthy Ageing (NCHA) through its Living Labs program. The NCHA is a federally-funded partnership between Peninsula Health and Monash University, which aims to deliver national solutions for major challenges in healthy ageing through excellence in translational research.  The major …

Help us keep our community Active, Involved & Informed

Seeking local physical activity and social groups for older people. Our Keeping Active, Involved & Informed Directory has been a go-to resource for those older than 60 looking to stay active in the community. Developed in partnership with Frankston City Council and the Mornington Peninsula Shire, the directory supports people to find groups to keep …

Temporary Road Closure — Hastings Road

A section of Hastings Road is being resurfaced over the next two nights, resulting in changed access to Frankston Hospital Emergency Department, and some other parts of the hospital. Approximately 300 metres of Hastings Road will be closed for westbound traffic for two nights, as below. When? 8:30pm – 6:00am Tuesday 15 November to Wednesday …

Meet the new Clinical Director of Emergency — Dr Gabriel Blecher

Peninsula Health’s new Clinical Director of Emergency, Dr Gabriel Blecher, has a rich background in both emergency medicine and business management, bringing a unique and diverse set of skills to the role.    This isn’t Dr Blecher’s first time working at Peninsula Health – in fact it was during his time working as a locum at …

Supporting children’s mental health, wellbeing and development

Our Community Health Children’s Services and FaPMI (Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness) teams provided a range of interactive and engaging activities at the annual Frankston City Council Children’s Week celebration. “This year’s theme ‘All Children have the right to a standard of living that supports their wellbeing and development’, resonates with us, …
